Defect Tracking for Improving Product Quality and Productivity

Defect Tracking for Improving Product Quality and Productivity
This project is aimed at developing a Defect Tracking for Improving Product Quality and Productivity useful for applications developed in an organization.  The Defect Tracking for Improving Product Quality and Productivity is a web based application that can be accessed throughout the organization. This system can be used for logging defects against an application/module, assigning defects to individuals and tracking the defects to resolution.  There are features like email notifications, user maintenance, user access control, report generators etc in this system.
Project  Specification
This system can be used as an application for the any product based company to reduce the defects in product’s quality and productivity. User logging should be able to upload the information of the user.
Functional Components
Following tasks can be performed with the application:
(a)   User Maintenance: Creating, Granting & Revoking access and deleting users from application.
(b)   Component Maintenance: Creating a component (application being developed / enhanced), Granting & Revoking access on components to Users and Marking a component as “Active” or “Closed”.
(c)    Defect Tracking: Creating, Assigning defects to users, Modifying and Closing a defect. A defect screen should at least have following details
·         Defect Number and Title
·         Defect priority
·         Date created
·         Defect description
·         Defect diagnosis
·         Name of originator
·         Name of Assignee
·         Status
·         Resolution
(d)   Find User: A search screen to find users and display results
(e)   Find component: A search screen to find components and display results
(f)     Find defect: A search screen to find defects and display results
(g)   Report: Generate reports on defects

Accordingly there would be following levels of user privileges:
·         Application admin having all privileges.
·         Component admin having privileges (b),(d),(e),(f) for the components they own.
·         Users having privileges for (b),(d),(e),(f) for components they have access to.
·         All should have privileges for (c).

1. A user should be able to
  • Login to the system through the first page of the application.
  • Change the password after logging into system.
  • View the defects assigned to the User.
  • Find defects for components on which the user has access.
  • Find components on which the user has access.
  • Modify the defects by changing / putting values in fields.
  • Assign defects to other users having access to the component.
  • Find details of other Users.
  • Generate reports of defects for components on which the user has access.
2. As soon as a defect is assigned to a user a mail should be send to the User.
3. A Component Admin should be able to do the following tasks in addition to 1:
  • Add a User to the component for creating and modifying defects against that component.
  • Remove a user from the component.
  • Mark a component as “Active” / “Closed”. No new defects can be created against a “Closed” component. A component cannot be closed until all defects against the component are also closed.
4. The Application Admin should be able to do the following tasks in addition to 1 & 3:
  • Add a new component.
  • Add a user to a component as Component Admin.
  • Remove Component Admin privilege from a user.
  • Add a new user.
  • Remove a user.
User Interface
Web based , user friendly interface

Database Requirements

Integration Requirements
Web/Pervasive enabled
Preferred Technologies
Solutions must be created using  
·         HTML, CSS (Web Presentation )
·         JavaScript (Client-side Scripting)
·         Java  (as programming language)
·         JDBC, JNDI, Servlets, JSP  (for creating web applications)
·         Eclipse with MyEclipse Plug-in (IDE/Workbench)
·         Oracle/SQL Server/Access  (Database)
·         Windows XP/2003 or Linux/Solaris (Operating System)
·         BEA WebLogic/JBoss/WebSphere (Server Deployment)
Other Details
The application should be highly secured and with different levels & categories of access control.


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    Defect Tracking System Project
