
        The proposed system applies to Police Institutions all across the country and specifically looks into the subject of Crime Records Management. It is well understood that Crime Prevention, Detection and Conviction of criminals depend on a highly responsive backbone of Information Management. The efficiency of the Policing function and the effectiveness with which it tackles crime depend on what quality of information it can derive from its existing records and how fast it can have access to it.

Existing System

The Existing system is a computerized system but which is maintained at individual databases i.e. in excels sheets, it’s a time delay process. And maintaining all the records in Excel sheets is difficult. If they want any record they have to search all the records. It doesn’t provide multiple user accessibility and also doesn’t have different user privileges. So the system is not accessible for all the employees of the organization.

Limitations in Existing System

  • The system at any point of time cannot provide the informations of the crime records
  • The system at any point of time cannot provide the details of present complete crime recordes
  • The system at any point of time can provide the details of existing data sheets and their status.

Proposed System

Ø  The system at any point of time can provide the details of the police station and the employees.
Ø  The system at any point of time can provide the details of victims and the registered FIR’s
Ø  The system at any point of time can provide the details of evidence and their sequence
Ø  The system at any point of time can provide the details of existing charge sheets and their statuses.

Number of Modules:

The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules:

The Modules involved are

a.       Admin
b.       Search
c.        Fir registration module
d.       Investigation Evidence
e.       Security and Authentication
f.         Reports


Admin can register department details and designation details. Can register the polices station details. Register the police information and appointment to the police station as incharge.
Register the victim types and victim details information. Post the details of evidence types. Give the status of charge sheet details.


Admin can search the details of police station details and crime records information and victim details and status of charge sheet details.

Fir Registration Module:

In this module admin register the details about victim types and evidence details. Register the case details to the system through the user interface.

Investigating Evidence Module:

In this module assign the case to investigator, collect the evidence, process the case and submit to court and view the status of case process.

Security and Authentication :

1. User Registration.
2. Login as User or Donor and Administrator
3. Change password
4. Forgot Password


In this Module the administrator, user can generate different types of reports.

Software Requirements :

Operating System                                            :                               Windows XP/2003 or Linux
User Interface                                                   :                               HTML, CSS
Client-side Scripting                                       :                               JavaScript
Programming Language                                               :                               Java
Web Applications                                            :                               JDBC, Servlets, JSP
IDE/Workbench                                               :                               My Eclipse 6.0
Database                                                             :                               Oracle 10g
Server Deployment                                         :                               Tomcat 6.x
Frame Work                                                       :                               Struts 1.x

Hardware Requirements:

Processor                                                            :                               Pentium IV
Hard Disk                                                            :                               40GB
RAM                                                                      :                               512MB or more


  1. please provide the source code if possible

    1. please send me the steps to build this project

  2. Pls i need the source code.
