Active Re ranking for Web Image Search

Active Re ranking for Web Image Search

                           Image search re ranking methods usually fail to capture the user’s intention when the query term is ambiguous. Therefore, re ranking with user interactions, or active re ranking, is highly demanded to effectively improve the search performance. The essential problem in active re ranking is how to target the user’s intention. To complete this goal, this paper presents a structural information based sample selection strategy to reduce the user’s labeling efforts. Furthermore, to localize the user’s intention in the visual feature space, a novel local-global discriminative dimension reduction algorithm is proposed. In this algorithm, a sub manifold is learned by transferring the local geometry and the discriminative information from the labeled images to the whole (global) image database. Experiments on both synthetic datasets and a real Web image search dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed active re ranking scheme, including both the structural information based active sample selection strategy and the local-global discriminative dimension reduction algorithm.

Existing System
                         Although text-based search techniques have shown their effectiveness in the document search, they are problematic when applied to the image search. There are two main problems. One is the mismatching between images and their associated textual information, resulting into irrelevant images appearing in the search results. For example, an image which is irrelevant to “panda” will be mistaken as a relevant image if there is a word “panda” existing in its surrounding text. The other problem is that the textual information is insufficient to represent the semantic content of the images. The same query words may refer to images that are semantically different, e.g., we cannot differentiate an animal panda image from an image for a person whose name is Panda, just with the text word “panda”. Because the textual information is insufficient for semantic image retrieval, a natural recourse is the visual information. Recently a dozen of image/video re ranking methods have  been proposed to exploit the usage of the visual information for refining the text-based search result. Most of these re ranking methods utilize the visual information in an unsupervised and passive manner. Unsupervised reranking methods, can only achieve limited performance improvements. This is because the visual information is insufficient to infer the user’s intention, especially when the query term is ambiguous.

  • user intention is not considering in the already existing  system.
  •  reranking methods usually fail to capture the user’s intention when the query term is   ambiguous.
  •  text-based search techniques are problematic when applied to the image search bcz of the mismatching between images and their associated textual  information
  • Textual information is insufficient to represent the semantic content of the images

Proposed System
                       In this paper, reranking with user’s interactions is named as active reranking. In active re ranking, the essential problem is how to capture the user’s intention, i.e., to distinguish query relevant images from irrelevant ones. Different from the conventional learning problems, in which each sample only has one fixed label, an image may be relevant for one user but irrelevant for another. In other words, the semantic space is user-driven, according to their different intentions but with identical query keywords. Therefore, we propose to target the user-driven intention from two aspects: collecting labeling information from users to obtain the specified semantic space, and localizing the visual characteristics of the user’s intention in this specific semantic space, respectively. Although Intent Search can be deemed as a simplified version of active re ranking, i.e., the user’s intention is defined by only one query image, it can not work well when the user’s intention is too complex to be represented by one image. the query relevant images for “Animal” vary largely both in visual appearance and features, thus we cannot represent “Animal” only with one image. Instead, our proposed active re ranking method can learn the user’s intention more extensively and completely.

Ø  reranking with user interactions, or active reranking is introduced in this system.
Ø  collecting labeling information from users to obtain  the specified semantic space.
Ø  localizing the visual characteristics of the user’s intention in this specific semantic space
Ø  A new structural information (SInfo) based strategy is proposed to actively select the most informative query images.
Ø To localize the visual characteristics of the user’s intention, we propose a novel local-global discriminative (LGD) dimension reduction algorithm.


Architecture Diagram

Software Requirements Specification:

Software Requirements:
               Front    End                        :          Struts Framework
               Back End                             :          Oracle 10g
               IDE                                      :          my eclipse 8.0
               Language                              :           java (jdk1.6.0)
   Operating System                 :          windows XP

Hardware Requirements:

System                                             :   Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
Hard Disk                            :   80 GB.
Floppy Drive                        :   1.44 Mb.
Monitor                                :   14’ Colour Monitor.
Mouse                                   :   Optical Mouse.
Ram                                       :   512 Mb.
Keyboard                              :   101 Keyboards.

    1. Label information collection (Textual information search)
    2. Visual characteristic localization
    3. Re ranking implementation
    4. Active sample selection

Active User’s Labeling Information Collection:
To collect the labeling information from users efficiently, a new structural information (SInfo) based strategy is proposed to actively select the most informative query images. it is essential to get the necessary information by labeling as few images as possible. In active reranking, however, only a few images will be labelled by a user. To avoid or alleviate the influence of the small sample size problem, we proposed SInfo sample selection strategy.

Visual characteristic localization:
                              To localize the visual characteristics of the user’s intention, we propose a novel local-global discriminative (LGD) dimension reduction algorithm. Basically, we assume that the query relevant images, which represent the user’s intention, are lying on a low-dimensional sub manifold of the original ambient (visual feature) space. LGD learns this sub manifold by transferring both the local geometry and the discriminative information from labelled images to unlabelled ones. The learned sub manifold preserves both the local geometry of labelled relevant images and the discriminative information to separate relevant from irrelevant images. As a consequence, we can eliminate the well-known semantic gap between low-level visual features and high-level semantics to further enhance the re ranking performance on this sub manifold.

Re ranking implementation process:
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed active reranking method, we apply the SInfo active sample selection strategy and the LGD dimension reduction algorithm to reranking. In this paper, we take the Bayesian reranking  as the basic reranking algorithm for illustration. When applying the Bayesian reranking for active reranking, modifications will be made to incorporate the new obtained information. The final reranking result is obtained by sorting the images according to in a descending order.

more representative samples are preferred for labeling. In SInfo , the ambiguity of an image is
                Local global discriminative (LGD) dimension reduction algorithm.