A Generic Multilevel Architecture for Time Series Prediction

A Generic Multilevel Architecture for Time Series Prediction
                         Rapidly evolving businesses generate massive amounts of time-stamped data sequences and cause a demand for both univariate and multivariate time series forecasting. For such data, traditional predictive models based on autoregression are often not sufficient to capture complex non-linear relationships between multidimensional features and the time series outputs. In order to exploit these relationships for improved time series forecasting while also better dealing with a wider variety of prediction scenarios, a forecasting system requires a flexible and generic architecture to accommodate and tune various individual predictors as well as combination methods. In reply to this challenge, an architecture for combined, multilevel time series prediction is proposed, which is suitable for many different universal regressors and combination methods. The key strength of this architecture is its ability to build a diversified ensemble of individual predictors that form the input to a multilevel selection and fusion process before the final optimised output is obtained. Excellent generalization ability is achieved due to the highly boosted complementarity of individual models further enforced through crossvalidation-linked training on exclusive data subsets and ensemble output post-processing. In a sample configuration with basic neural network predictors and a mean combiner, the proposed system has been evaluated in different scenarios and showed a clear prediction performance gain.

Existing System:

                        RECENT e-revolution has led to a situation in which many businesses and organisations continuously generate massive amounts of data which constitute univariate and multivariate time series. Predicting future values of such time series is vital for gaining competitive advantage in the case of businesses. Time series forecasting is a very challenging signal processing problem, as in real situations, it is typically a function of a large number of variables most of which are unknown or inaccessible at the time of prediction. Although these series usually appear as very noisy, non-stationary and non-linear signals, their histories may carry a significant evidence that can be used to build a predictive model.

          1. The main disadvantage of this system is to increasing volume of time series data exhibiting complex non-linear relationships between its multidimensional features and outputs.
2. It combines a multilevel architecture of highly robust and diversified individual prediction models with operators for fusion and selection that can be applied at any level of the structure.
3) A number of highly correlated forecasts naturally do not produce a good combination result, however, diversity has to be traded off with individual accuracy.

Proposed System:

                Performance of time series forecasting not only depends on the method used, data pre- and post processing also plays a crucial role. This work presents a generic architecture for combined, multilevel time series prediction that can accommodate a number of different individual predictors and combination methods. The architecture covers a complete prediction cycle from feature selection to output post-processing and enforces building of a highly diversified ensemble of individual predictors. These models are then further subjected to multilevel selection and fusion processes eventually leading to the system output. The learning process is integrated with a cross-validation method that ensures exclusive training sets for individual classifiers to encourage their complementarily and thereby boosting ensemble fault tolerance. Among other key features, the architecture performs post-processing of the predicted output which is extremely useful for elimination of output noise.

1)      Recent e-revolution has led to a situation in which many businesses and organisations continuously generate massive amounts of data which constitute univariate and multivariate time series. Predicting future values of such time series is vital for gaining competitive advantage in the case of businesses.
2)      It combines a multilevel architecture of highly robust and diversified individual prediction models with operators for fusion and selection that can be applied at any level of the structure.
3)      multilevel time series prediction that can accommodate a number of different individual predictors and combination methods.

Fig. 1  NN ensemble model building process. Individual neural networks are trained on disjoint subsets of data and evaluated via a 10-fold cross-validation process. The predictions P from these networks are grouped into k disjoint subsets and the outputs from the best performing network from each group are propagated to the next level  at which they are combined by an average operator.

Software Requirements Specification:
Software Requirements:
Front End                         :     java Jsp,Servlet
Back End                          :     Oracle 10g
IDE                                    :     my eclipse 8.0
Language                          :     java (jdk1.6.0)
Operating System             :    windows XP

Hardware Requirements:
System                                             :   Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
Hard Disk                            :   80 GB.
Floppy Drive                        :   1.44 Mb.
Monitor                                :   14’ Colour Monitor.
Mouse                                  :   Optical Mouse.
Ram                                       :   512 Mb.
Keyboard                              :   101 Keyboards.

Module Description:
  1. Feature Generation and selection
  2. Predictor identification information
  3. Model diversification
  4. Post processing and tuning
Feature Generation and Selection
                     The temporal dimension of the data increases the potential scope of the M-feature space to M ·L dimensions where L denotes the length of the time series. This means that whatever set of M features describes the actual problem, its temporal variability also enforces consideration of the whole available history of feature series as potential inputs to the predictive model. Careful selection of features is therefore of much greater importance in comparison to the static-data prediction problem. On the other hand, temporal feature selection depends strongly on the availability of features in their temporal relation to outputs as well as the depth of outputs prediction.
Predictor identification information:
                    Due to the continuous nature of typical time series output variables, the choice of individual predictive models should include universal and flexible regression models capable of handling multiple inputs and multiple outputs. Neural Networks (NN) are considered to be a universal non-linear regression model with the ability to control its complexity and high predictive diversity that can be further encouraged by varying network architectures and initialisation conditions, cross-training and even simple injection of noise to the data. Given all these advantages, we decided to choose a simple Feed forward Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) as a base model that would be used to test the presented architecture against standard predictors and combiners.
Model Diversification:
                    Diversity has many different forms and could be encouraged or enforced in a number of ways. A non-exhaustive list of typical diversification techniques is presented below: Training individual models on different data subsets.
1.      Training individual models on different feature sets.  Injecting noise to different versions of the training data.
2.      Random sampling for different versions of the training data.
5.      Selecting different models for the ensemble.
6.      Varied initialization and parameter settings of different models.
7.      Selecting complementary predictors on one or many levels for combination
8.      Varied combination methods for multi-stage prediction architectures.
Post Processing and tuning
                      Combined architecture described above indicated that the predicted series on average fits the true series quite well, although it exhibits a significant error component with particularly harmful occasional peaks of a signal. To reduce the impact of such errors and any other problems that the predicted series may exhibit, we introduced a post-processing stage into our architecture. In our case, the post processing covers an original smoothing technique applied to the predicted series obtained for the validation set. The parameters of this smoothing have been fitted to minimize the error rate on the validation set and once fixed, they are kept constant to deliver smoothed predicted series on the testing set.

Algorithm:  Time series forecasting and forecast combination algorithms


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