Web Cryptology

                                          Web Cryptology

        The main objective of this project (Crypto Log) is to send the confidential details and related confidential files and documents to their recipients in a securable way.Crypto log will use the numerous kinds of algorithms to generate the encrypted strings, files and decrypted strings, files.
     The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a common Encryption protocol used in Crypto log. When you see a URL in your Web browser that starts with "https" instead of "http", it is a secure connection that is using SSL.Some methods of cryptography used a "secret key" to allow the recipient to decrypt the message. The most common secret key cryptosystem is the Data Encryption Standard (DES), or the more secure Triple-DES which encrypts the data three times.
     These conversions will be generated in the basis of XML Web services in Asp.Net.
The purposeful algorithms used by Crypto log will be in the forms of:
                 1. MD5
                2. SHA1
                 3. RijndaelManaged

Existing System:
1)In Existing system,the data will be secure through the network because data transmission is done in encrypted format.
2)In Existing system,data will not be  accessed through the authorized person.
3)The system does not provides security to the data store in database.
4)In Existing System,the security is not provided throughout the server and database.

Proposed System:
1)In Proposed System, the data will be secure using the web technology by using https enabled.
2)In Proposed System,the data will be accessed through the authorized person.
3) The system  provides security to the data store in the database.
4) In Proposed System,the security is  provided throughout the server and database by disabling the cookies etc.

The Cryptology has been divided into 5 different modules:
        1. Administrator
        2. User
        3. Cryptic messages
        4. Cryptic files
        5. Image transformation
Administrator is a super user in the system. He will monitor all the users’ activities in the system. He has   privileges to do anything at any point of time. He is responsible for providing secure mechanism for the user of the system to send their confidential data in a secure way.
User will register in to site and send his confidential data in a secured way by using Crypto log technology facility provided in the application.
Cryptic messages:
In this module user will send his confidential messages in an encryption format so that receiver will receive the data and he will decrypt to get original data. So that data will transmitted in a secure way.
Cryptic files:
In this module user will send data file in an encryption format so that receiver will receive the data and he will decrypt to get original data. Application provides a facility to send files in a secured way.
Image transformation:
In this module user will transmit data in the form of image and he can encrypt the image and transform to receiver. Receiver will receive the data and he will decrypt to get original data. By using this application user can send images also in a secured way.
Software Requirements:
Operating System                    :         Windows XP/2003 or Linux/Solaris
User Interface                          :         HTML, CSS
Client-side Scripting               :         JavaScript
Programming Language          :         Java
Web Applications                     :         JDBC, JNDI, Servlets, JSP
IDE/Workbench                      :         My Eclipse
Database                                 :         Oracle10g
Server Deployment                  :         Tomcat

Hardware Requirements:

          Processor                                 :                  Pentium IV
Hard Disk                                :                  40GB
RAM                                         :                  256MB

Virtual Services To Villages

Virtual Services To  Villages


BTMV is a charity group of professionals those want to voluntarily contribute in their village/town’s development. Issues like Primary education, people’s health, government policies awareness and availability of basic facilities/infrastructure are on main focus among others.             

Existing System:

·         Existing system has no facility to know the donation details.
·         This system is not having the facility to share the donor past Experiences.
·         This System has no facilities of Discussion Forums and mail generations.
·         Volunteer is not having the facility of monitoring the activities.
·         Donor is not having the facility to raise the queries about the donations.

Proposed System:

The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to recover the problems from the previous system:

·         Secure registration and profile management facilities for group members.
·         Tracking member’s activities and progress.
·          Facilitating communication - Discussion forum/mail.
·         Members are advised to develop a volunteers group in the village so that they can monitor, stabilize the changes and report to you.
·         Basic and advance admin facilities like add/update members, backup/recovery of data, generating various reports etc.

Number Of Modules:

The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules:
The Modules involved are

1. Admin
2. Volunteer
3. Donator
4. Security and Authentication
5. Reports

Admin Module:

1. Admin collects the details of all backward villages in a country or world and Enters that details into the  
2. Admin adds different activities in a village
3. Adds the bank details, payment type details.
4. View the donor questions and provides answers.
5. View the forum details.
6. View the donation details.
7. Add the volunteer details.
8. View the Case study details.
9. Monitors the progress of the activity details.

Volunteer Module:

1. Volunteer view the assigned village-activity details.
2. Add the case study details of the village.
3. View the donation details of particular activity
4. He uploads the progress of the activity details
5. View the queries related to activity and provides reply.

Donor Module:

1. View all the backward village details, Activity details, bank details, Payment details.
2. View the minimum donation for activity in a village and donate money to the village.
3. Shares the past experience details to other donors by uploading the related documents.
4. Raises the queries related to donations.
5. Raises the queries related to Activities.
6. Adds different forums and view the responses.
7. Sends mails to other donors.

Security and Authentication:

1. User Registration.
2. Login as User or Donor and Administrator
3. Change password
4. Forgot Password


In this Module the administrator, Volunteer and donor can generate different types of reports.

Software Requirements :

Operating System                                            :                               Windows XP/2003 or Linux
User Interface                                                   :                               HTML, CSS
Client-side Scripting                                       :                               JavaScript
Programming Language                                               :                               Java
Web Applications                                            :                               JDBC, Servlets, JSP
IDE/Workbench                                               :                               My Eclipse 6.0
Database                                                             :                               Oracle 10g
Server Deployment                                         :                               Tomcat 6.x
Frame Work                                                       :                               Struts 1.x

Hardware Requirements:

Processor                                                            :                               Pentium IV
Hard Disk                                                            :                               40GB
RAM                                                                      :                               512MB or more



This System helps in creating and managing a data repository of the inventory of an IT resource in an organization mainly Hardware and Software Components.
                The IT inventory list basically consists of computers, monitors, software, network devices, printers, plotters, scanners, cartridges, etc. Asset Management System is a web based application, which has two major components, an application for automatically capturing the inventory data pertaining to the installed hardware and software of a computer and its associated peripherals, and second component named which helps in the management of these inventories. The Second component makes use of the data captured by the First and the financial and commercial data pertaining to the inventory. The financial details include data on purchase order, invoice, warranty, AMC and the commercial details include data on suppliers, contacts, contracts etc. The financial and commercial data have to be entered manually into the Second component.


·         This existing system is not providing secure registration and profile management of all the employees properly.
·         This system is not providing on-line Help.
·         This system doesn’t provide tracking of member activities and their progress.
·         This manual system gives us very less security for saving data and some data may be lost due to mismanagement.
·         This system is not providing computer and devices details.
·         This system is not providing computer and devices contract details.
·         This system is not providing   AMC contract details.
·         This system is not providing computer AMC contract details.
·         This system is not providing device AMC maintenance details.
·         This existing system is not providing catalog and contact information about all the users/employees in the organization.


The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach.

·    Avoid lack of awareness about employees.
·    Providing AMC contract details.
·    Providing AMC contract computer and devices details.
·    This organization maintaining employee’s personal details.
·    Providing computer complaints and solutions.
·    This system will provide on line help and search capabilities.
·    User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls provided by system 
     rich user interface.
·    The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible.
·    Various classes have been used for maintain the details of all the employees   and catalog.
·    Authentication is provided for this application only registered employees   can access.
·    The employee information files can be stored in centralized database which can be 
     maintained by the system.
·    Report generation features is provided using crystal reports to generate different kind of 


  1. User Registration.
  2. Employee Registration.
  3. Computer and Devices Management.
  4. Computer AMC.
  5. AMC Contract Implementation.
  6. Computer Complaint Management.
  7. Reports.


1. User Registration
        The general users who can get company general information, company contact details etc…

2. Employee Registration

This employee plays main role in organization; here we are collecting profile details like name, address, contact number, salary, qualification name department name, designation name Etc. of particular employee.

3. Computer and Devices Management

The this module enter new computer with computer id, registration date, computer  registered employee id, devices id which belong to particular computer id ,device capability, device registration date, device warranty period, device AMC contract id, device type, device technical parameter image, device  in charge employee name.

4. Computer Amc

Computer AMC module consist of AMC contract  id, AMC  contract  start date, contract end date ,device maintenance status that is ,it is in replaced or repaid, if replaced then new device id, replacement cost if applicable ,AMC contract details, supervisor employee id, AMC attended date, who replace  device that attended id ,contract id ,next expected date,  computer register date when it is introduced into service.

  5. AMC Contract Implementation

 This module introduce AMC contract type name i. e, gold type, silver type, diamond type etc, AMC contract amount per computer, this contract start date, end date, overall cost per yearly, AMC contract company name, company address, company contact number details, contract cycle (monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly), number of free visits within the cycle, contract amount within warranty or without warranty.

  6. Computer Complaint Management

Complaint raised after enter computer into service by external or internal problems of computer, employee raise the complaint, complaint date, complaint description, complaint assigned id for particular complaint id, complaint assigned date, complaint status (i.e. in progress/pending/completed) complaint scrutinized employee id, complaint attended id, attended date, complaint attended person name and complaint attended person contact number for particular computer id. These details are managed in this module.

   7. Reports:

             1. Weekly Report.
             2. General Report.

Software Requirements

Operating System                                            :                               Windows XP/2003 or Linux/Solaris
User Interface                                                   :                               HTML, CSS
Client-side Scripting                                       :                               JavaScript
Programming Language                                               :                               Java
Web Applications                                            :                               JDBC, Servlets, JSP
IDE/Workbench                                               :                               Eclipse with My Eclipse Plug-in
Database                                                             :                               Oracle/Access
Server Deployment                                         :                               Tomcat6.x

Hardware Requirements

Processor                                                            :                               Pentium IV
Hard Disk                                                            :                               40GB
RAM                                                                      :                               512MB or more