Virtual Services To Villages

Virtual Services To  Villages


BTMV is a charity group of professionals those want to voluntarily contribute in their village/town’s development. Issues like Primary education, people’s health, government policies awareness and availability of basic facilities/infrastructure are on main focus among others.             

Existing System:

·         Existing system has no facility to know the donation details.
·         This system is not having the facility to share the donor past Experiences.
·         This System has no facilities of Discussion Forums and mail generations.
·         Volunteer is not having the facility of monitoring the activities.
·         Donor is not having the facility to raise the queries about the donations.

Proposed System:

The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to recover the problems from the previous system:

·         Secure registration and profile management facilities for group members.
·         Tracking member’s activities and progress.
·          Facilitating communication - Discussion forum/mail.
·         Members are advised to develop a volunteers group in the village so that they can monitor, stabilize the changes and report to you.
·         Basic and advance admin facilities like add/update members, backup/recovery of data, generating various reports etc.

Number Of Modules:

The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules:
The Modules involved are

1. Admin
2. Volunteer
3. Donator
4. Security and Authentication
5. Reports

Admin Module:

1. Admin collects the details of all backward villages in a country or world and Enters that details into the  
2. Admin adds different activities in a village
3. Adds the bank details, payment type details.
4. View the donor questions and provides answers.
5. View the forum details.
6. View the donation details.
7. Add the volunteer details.
8. View the Case study details.
9. Monitors the progress of the activity details.

Volunteer Module:

1. Volunteer view the assigned village-activity details.
2. Add the case study details of the village.
3. View the donation details of particular activity
4. He uploads the progress of the activity details
5. View the queries related to activity and provides reply.

Donor Module:

1. View all the backward village details, Activity details, bank details, Payment details.
2. View the minimum donation for activity in a village and donate money to the village.
3. Shares the past experience details to other donors by uploading the related documents.
4. Raises the queries related to donations.
5. Raises the queries related to Activities.
6. Adds different forums and view the responses.
7. Sends mails to other donors.

Security and Authentication:

1. User Registration.
2. Login as User or Donor and Administrator
3. Change password
4. Forgot Password


In this Module the administrator, Volunteer and donor can generate different types of reports.

Software Requirements :

Operating System                                            :                               Windows XP/2003 or Linux
User Interface                                                   :                               HTML, CSS
Client-side Scripting                                       :                               JavaScript
Programming Language                                               :                               Java
Web Applications                                            :                               JDBC, Servlets, JSP
IDE/Workbench                                               :                               My Eclipse 6.0
Database                                                             :                               Oracle 10g
Server Deployment                                         :                               Tomcat 6.x
Frame Work                                                       :                               Struts 1.x

Hardware Requirements:

Processor                                                            :                               Pentium IV
Hard Disk                                                            :                               40GB
RAM                                                                      :                               512MB or more


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