Online Testing System

Title: - Online Testing System
Objective: -
                      Online Testing System is a program that automatically generates multiple-choice Computer Architecture tests and handles the submission/marking of results. Login is required for the student. Each client has different functions available. Students have the ability to login, take a test, submit the test, and view previous test results. Admin can create exam types, create exams and assign the exam date to the students in order of the student exam preferred date and he can generate the reports.
Functional Requirements:
  1. Maintained transparency between the users. I.e. Administrator, student.
  2. Administrator can create the Examination types and create exams.
  3. According to the student requirement he can assign the exam date.
  4. Administrator can generate the reports of the students.
  5. Student can request for exams.
  6. After completion of the test student can view his result immediately and he can know how many correct answers are there and how many wrong answers and how many question he leaved without attempt.
  7. The option of cumulative score (the scores of all the Tests present in the respective Test type) will also be shown once the user ends the test.
  8. Due to any problem exam will interrupt in the middle the user can continue the exam from where the exam stopped or interrupted.

Non-functional Requirements
  1. Secure access of confidential data (user’s details) should be provided.
  2. 24 X 7 availability of the application
  3. Application should be accessible over Internet.
  4. Better component design to get better performance at peak time
  5. Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension.

Modules: -
  • Administrator
  • Student
  • Reports
  • Authentication

  • Admin
  • Student

Generic Technology Keywords: Database, User Interface, Programming
Specific Technology Keywords: Asp.Net, C#.Net, MS SqlServer-08
Project Keywords: Presentation, Business Object, Data Access Layer
SDLC Keywords: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing

            Operating System Server: Windows XP
            Database Server: Microsoft SQL Server-2008
            Client: Microsoft Internet Explorer
            Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2010
            User Interface: Asp.Net with Ajax
            Code Behind: VC#.Net

Hardware Specification:
Processor: Intel Pentium or More
RAM:  1 GB
Hard Disk: 80 GB


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