Order Management System

Project Title:  Order Management System
          Objective of this project is to manage/process through web, the orders already placed by a customer either through company website . Order goes through various phases till it finally reaches the customer.  At any point of time customer himself can check the status of the order online  with the reference number he got while placing the order.

 This is a complete back office management for the order 'status' only.
Order status cycle should be : New Ordered Picked Packed Out for Shipment Shipped Accepted/Returned Closed/Reordered/Refunded
Functional Requirements:
i.       Administrator should be able to give roles and permissions.
ii. Operator/System user should be able to update all orders based on authorization key
iii. Stores operator/Picker should be able to see all the stores order records but should be able to modify only status of items to be picked
iv. Packer should be able to see all the picked order records but should be able to modify only status of items assigned to be packed by him.
v. Shipper should be able to see all the packed order records but should be able to modify only status of items assigned to be Shipped by him
vi. Customer should be able to login to estore and check the status of exactly where is his order.
vii. Customer should be able to return the order if its damaged
viii. Normal order status cycle should be : New
Ordered Picked Packed Out for Shipment Shipped Accepted/Returned Closed/Reordered/Refunded
ix. Estore and Order tracking for customer is on Internet and all other operations are on intranet
Non-functional Requirements
  1. Secure access of confidential data (user’s details) should be provided.
  2. 24 X 7 availability of the application
  3. Application should be accessible over Internet.
  4. Better component design to get better performance at peak time
  5. Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension.

1.    Administrator
2.    Customer
3.    Operator/System User
4.    Stores operator / Picker
5.    Packer
6.    Shipper
7.    Registration
8.    Authentication
9.    Reports

  • Administrator
  • Customer
  • Operator/System User
  •  Stores operator / Picker
  • Packer
  • Shipper

Generic Technology Keywords: Database, User Interface, Programming
Specific Technology Keywords: Asp.Net, C#.Net, MS SqlServer-08
Project Keywords: Presentation, Business Object, Data Access Layer
SDLC Keywords: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing

Software Specification:
            Operating System Server: Windows XP or later
            Database Server: Microsoft SQL Server-2008
            Web server: IIS (Internet Information Services) 6.0
Web Technologies: html, CSS, JavaScript, Asp.net with C#
            Client: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
            IDE & Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2010, Ajax
Hardware Specification:
Processor: Intel Pentium or More
RAM:  1 GB
Hard Disk: 80 GB


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    Order Management System

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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