Orphan’s Development


Project Title: Orphan’s Development


Orphan’s Development is a non-profit, non-government and voluntary organization committed to the care & development of the underprivileged children.
Orphan’s Development is a group of qualified, hard working, dedicated, like-minded people trying to make a difference in the life of the underrepresented, disadvantaged and marginalized sections of the society. It has been established to work as a platform to channelize & make optimum use of the resources and infrastructure available and people's desire to give back to society a bit of what they owe to it.
Functional Requirements:

This is dedicated to create a society where all the children have equal opportunities, a conducive environment to grow up with love, respect & security to become self-reliant, and active participating and contributing members to their community, society & country as a whole.  By using the web site:

Ø  To provide the basic requirements of life like food, clothing, shelter, clean drinking water and medical help to the deprived class of the society. 
Ø  To provide it an integrated academic learning with personality development. 
Ø  To enable and empower the underprivileged through skill development & vocational training programs. 
Ø  To search, recognize, promote and encourage ambitious, talented and creative children.
Ø  To create awareness and sensitivity within the society about child rights, other discriminatory practices and to persuade them about their responsibility.
Ø  Register the Orphan who are roaming on streets.
Ø  Construct the Governing body, Executing committees, Management and Staff  with other type of members
Ø  Display the orphan information along with Photographs on this system
Ø  Collect donation from people for various needs children
Ø  Upload Programs in the system which can be used to uplift the children life.
Ø  Register the volunteers and other members to administrate the system.
Ø  A sponsor may adopt one or more children’s.
Ø  Collect the donation in Cheque or DD mode.
Ø  Upload the necessary requirements for Orphans in to the system

Non-functional Requirements
  1. Secure access of confidential data (user’s details) should be provided.
  2. 24 X 7 availability of the application
  3. Application should be accessible over Internet.
  4. Better component design to get better performance at peak time

i.              Administrator
ii.             Members
iii.            Guest (Sponsors)
iv.           Collect Donations
v.            Reports
vi.           Search
vii.          Authentication
viii.         Web Services

  1. Admin
  2. Member
  3. Sponsor

Generic Technology Keywords: Database, User Interface, Programming
Specific Technology Keywords: Asp.Net, C#.Net, MS SqlServer-08
Project Keywords: Presentation, Business Object, Data Access Layer
SDLC Keywords: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing

            Operating System Server: Windows XP
            Database Server: Microsoft SQL Server-2008
            Client: Microsoft Internet Explorer
            Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2010
            User Interface: Asp.Net with Ajax
            Code Behind: VC#.Net

Hardware Specification:
Processor: Intel Pentium or More
RAM:     1 GB
Hard Disk: 80 GB


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